Thursday, December 15, 2005
About Me
- Name: Bella Dime
- Location: St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Loves: vanilla (taste & smell...mmm), pretty much anything with pecans, anything starting with butter (butter rum, butter toffee, butter pecan, buttery nipples [duh...the drink]) Leeann Chin, PF Changs, colorado bulldogs, beer, mexican food, my famous tofu lettuce wraps and taco pie, hot peppers, fresh herbs (especially lemon balm), black, orange, red, halloween, purses, shoes, hair dye, knee-high boots with skirts, red and white stripes, red and black stripes, mod & retro decor, american stafforshire & stafforshire bull terriers (miss you Lucy Lu, AKA LuLu).
Hates: leftovers, bullies, black licorice, my house being messy, unfinished projects, manipulation and close mindedness
Previous Posts
- FAPOD Design
- Hallowig
- Initial Site Design For Bella Dime
- Answer to Leann Chin
- Patience...
- New Template Design
- Design
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